Sunday, April 20, 2008

We are wii when wii are weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!


For realze we have to talk about the Nintendo Wii. Okay, first is story time. So, about two years ago or so...when the wii first came out I wanted it more than anything! EVEN MORE THAN CHOCOLATE! People who know me know that's huge. Well, I didn't get the wii until one beautiful day called my 19th birthday. The Nintendo Wii is actually still in such high demand that my wonderful father went at 5am in the morning to the Nintendo store in NYC to get me the Wii with the amazing Mario Party 8, Wii play (with controller), Wii sports (which comes with the Wii along with one controller and nunchuck), and another nunchuck. He was the 14th person in line. I mean common many insane people go at 5am to get the wii daily? The store said usually 50 to 100, but now a days it's 30 to 40. I just have this wonderfully histerical picture in my head of 30 people in 30 degree weather in little huts that probably cost more than the wii just to get their hands on one. I can understand why, but I am glad my daddy did it instead of me. Btw (by the way) I am playing mario party 8 with my friend as we speak. So, of course we need a list now right?

Reasons why the Nintendo Wii is so amazing

1. Nintendo makes it

2. It is the most interactive game system in existance

3. It is actually considered exercise (yes, they actually use it in old people homes)

4. It has the best games ever! Mario Kart with it's own driving wheel comes out on April 27th!

5. Most of the games are multiplayer so there is a long time amount of fun for you and all your friends and family

6. You can connect wirelessly to the internet

7. It's skinny and pint size (What everyone wants according to the media)

8. It has a photo edit program, shopping program, and you can create your own people

9. The controllers have a lot of cool colored, rubber skins and straps ( I suggest getting them because a lot of people actually end up in the hospital because of tossing a controller into someone, or something)

10. You can use game cube games and game cube controllers, which means you aren't wasting all that money that you spent on the game cube.

11. It's so cool everybodies doing it! (PURE PRESSURE THROUGH COMPUTER SCREEN!)

12. It's 1000 times better than xbox 360 with games and graphics

13. Because I said so

14. The warenty is very long (long long time)...meaning that if anything happens they will take care of it. They even have tech support that actually knows what they are talking about.

15. The manuals are in every language and you can actually understand them.

16. You can sell it for a lot on ebay

17. It never gets boring

18. It's good for all ages

19. There isn't going to be a better system for a while

20. I love my wii so you will too! They might be coming out with a wii phone!

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