Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A new direction for a new pain


A new direction for my blog...I fractured my 4th vertebrea and cracked one of my ribs.

Where:Friends house

What: Down the stairs

Why: I was being a stupid teenager

What am I doing now you ask?

I am fully drugged on narcotics and either sleeping, watching 50 truly terrible TV shows, and taking my frustration out on my Wii. It's day 9 and I am going f***ing insane! The only perk is that since my mom works at home she waits on me hand and foot. Heres an example of what I do the 4 hours I am awake every day. MOMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!! CAN YOU BRING ME SOME CHINESE FOOD?!

So far I have already beat two video games in this time. It's getting rediculous. If I am lucky I have some friends who come to visit me. I am sure they have fun with me considering I am passed out most the time. They do get to do whatever they want in my room then though.

Today's Plan:

1.Watch the redic high school drama of "The Paper"

2. Take drugs and sleep

3.Sleep some more

4.Pet my kitty

5. Shoot things on Wii

6.Take more drugs


8.If I don't sleep through it I will watch the new "Real World Hollywood" Premire...fat chance

Goal:Watch Juno as much as possible

Peace out cub scout,


Kyler C. said...

Ouch, I broke my C3 sophomore year of high-school in a sledding accident. I was in a hard neck brace for 4 months and a soft one for 2. In retrospect I guess I had it better than you because I could walk around, but not being able to turn your head just sucks. Either way, feel better and don't run out of drugs or dvd's.

Anonymous said...

hey sorry to here that jamie. by the way you should deff set up the hukka in your room with some waermelon tobacco. not onlly will you be high off your ass, or mabye thats just the real drugs but your room will smell nice too! well hope all goes well and your back here soon. ttul dmoney! aka. smokes his hukka in his orm room but security dosent know it.