Friday, May 2, 2008

Room rules


I am really excited about going to Purchase especially, since I have the most amazing roomates ever! The reason is because I got to choose them. See when I was at CIA I had some terrible…I mean disasterous experiences with roomates. One even had sex in the bed next to me at 4am when I had to wake up for class at 6am. Yea…wasn’t fun at all. So three roomates later I finally have someone I liked, but we still have our differences. My point is that no matter how close you are and how similar you are to your roomate(s) you must always have a list of rules persay so that no fighting and bullshit goes down.

List of topics you must discuss with your roomates

1. Hot and cold…my theory is that if it’s too hot for someone and too cold for the other the person who is cold should put layers on because you can not remove your skin

2. Talk about having significant others in the room for messing around…be chill and say that you are going to have someone over prior and ask if it is okay

3. Sides of the room….if you are really good friends with your roomates you shouldn’t really have this problem, but you should deff make everyone aware of what your personal belongings will be kept and what you wish for no one to touch

4. TV/Music/Phone…make sure that noise levels are respected…if someone is sleeping don’t start blaring music and if you need to sleep with the TV on low, or listen to music low either put on head phones, or let your roomates know you have this issue so that you can come to a comprimise

5. Having people over…In many schools there is an ammount of people that you can have in the room…I say fuck that unless someone is sleeping, or studying…it’s obvious to not bring like 5 people over

6. Cleaning…some people are clean people and others aren’t…see if you can come to a happy medium

7. Night or light….if someone is a night person and the other is a morning person make sure that both are quiet at their hours so the other roomates can sleep

8. The fridge and microwave…I suggest everyone bring your own, but if you don’t and you share then everyone should label their foods that aren’t to be shared and you better respect it otherwise be prepared to pay up

9. Alchy, cigs, drugs…first off if they don’t smoke then don’t do it in the room and if they aren’t comfortable with you secretly hiding your alchy and drugs then don’t do it becuase they will get in trouble when you are caught too…yes this counts as growing weed in your house plants

10. ROOMATE LOVE….just DON’T do it…don’t move in with your sig other and don’t mess around with any of your roomates…it’s going to leave a big mess…have people sleep over if you want and if you start to date one of your roomates then change rooms unless it’s an unusual circumstance

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